Prince Harry naked partying photos at Wynn Las Vegas may just be the beginning of ‘something pretty gigantic
Prince Harry naked partying photos at Wynn Las Vegas may just be the beginning of ‘something pretty gigantic’: report
The young royal is in hot water after images of him partying with several naked women surfaced online.
By Joyce Chen
If Prince Harry thinks the worst of his Las Vegas drama is over, he’s got another think coming, a new report claims.
A source tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal gossip columnist Norm Clarke that the controversy sparked by the young prince’s weekend shenanigans may just be the tip of the iceberg.
“Something pretty gigantic” is at play in the royal media nightmare, the source said, cryptically claiming that Harry’s game of “strip billiards” may actually lead to the unveiling of a bigger, more serious – but unspecified – scenario.
The assertions come in the wake of the Wynn hotel’s denial that billionaire owner Steve Wynn footed the royal’s nearly $80,000 tab, ABC News reports.
“That’s factually incorrect,” Wynn spokesman Michael Weaver told Clarke when asked about the rumors that Prince Harry’s trip was comped by the Vegas mogul.
Weaver also said he and his team were “not going to comment” on reports that Steve Wynn was upset at his security team after the naked photos began circulating the web since earlier last week.
According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Wynn is no stranger to celebrity outbursts, having had to deal with Paris Hilton’s run-in with the law two years ago.
At the time, the hotel heiress was arrested for cocaine possession while out on the town with her boyfriend, Cy Waits, one of Wynn’s top nightclub executives.
Waits was promptly fired following the incident.
On Monday, Prince Harry and his advisors did a little bit of damage control themselves, shuttering the young royal’s Facebook page under the psuedonym “Spike Wells.”
According to the Telegraph, the profile had several privacy restrictions in place, but ultimately allowed many pictures and posts to be seen publicly.