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Who the f**k started all this? Playing at the Producers Club March 28th to April 6th

Who the f**k started all this? Playing at the Producers Club March 28th to April 6th

Check out “Who the fuck started all this”! Don’t miss out on the US Premiere of this great show playing at the Producers Club March 28th to April 6th.

Get your advanced tickets today!

Producers Club
358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036
Between 8th and 9th AVE

Ioan Ardelean
Kenny Fedorok
Lauren Hayden
Meridith Jones
Sean Kaufman
Ryan Pater
Ashley Rothwell
Joe Sonnenblick

Who the Fuck Started All This plays out in six dark vignettes inspired by Balkan urban culture and classic works that include Waiting For Godot and The Seagull. Each vignette represents a Circle and central theme: Meaning, Joy, Faith, Hope, Love and Sin. Within these Circles thirteen characters that include circus performers, street dwellers, a prostitute, lovers, a tortured sexual predator, a nun and a demon plunge head first into a poetic world of death, love and angels.

Performance Dates and Times

Friday, March 28 @ 10:00 Pm
Saturday, March 29 @ 10:00 Pm
Monday, March 31 @ 10:00 Pm
Tuesday, April 1 @ 8:00 Pm
Wednesday, April 2 @ 10:00 Pm
Thursday, April 3 @ 10:00 Pm
Friday, April 4 @ 10:00 Pm
Saturday April 5 @ 10:00 Pm
Sunday, April 6 @ 5:00 Pm

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