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May 16 – Bulgarian dance party with Cherven Traktor

May 16 – Bulgarian dance party with Cherven Traktor

Date: Friday, May 16

 Time: 7:00pm – 11:30pm

Place: Hungarian House

Address: 213 E 82nd St, New York, New York 10028

Balkan Cafe returns in style with a Bulgarian dance party at Hungarian House

Featuring Cherven Traktor

Nikolay Kolev – gadulka
Donka Koleva – vocals
Belle Birchfield – tambura
Adam Good – bass
Michael Ginsburg – tupan

Admission: $15 advance (by May 15, no fee) / $20 door / students $10 at door w id
Join our FB event for updates:

Special dance prep workshop on May 7 at the
Wednesday Balkan Dance Class (the series begins April 16, but you can come for any or all)

One Comment »

  • Balkan Cafe says:

    In addition to music and dancing there will be delicious lamb cooked by Donka and tasty meze and veggie platters cooked by Aysun of Pure Food.

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