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10 Years BG EUforiya Farewell Tour: Easter Party in NYC This Saturday!

10 Years BG EUforiya Farewell Tour: Easter Party in NYC This Saturday!

BG EUforiya zatvarya!  10 godini sled kato purvoto parti na Maystorite na Kupona v Nyu York suzdade unikalen fenomen v janra, MK Niki trugva na malko Proshtalno turne v Shtatite tozi uikend!  Tradicionniyat veche Velikdenski kupon v Nyu York tazi subota e za posledno.  Posleden shans za poznavachite da se nasladyat na istinsko BG parti bez chalga!

BG EUforiya is wrapping it up!  10 years after the first party of the Masters of Kupon made a big splash in New York City, MK Niki is on one short Farewell Tour of the United States starting this weekend in the Big Apple!  Last chance for the BG music connoisseurs to party in a guaranteed chalga-free environment the way true Bulgarians do it…

APRIL 3:  NEW YORK, 12:30 AM – after Midnight Mass, @ VYNL (Walk from BG Church), 754 9th Avenue (@ 51st St.) in Manhattan, New York NY 10019   

Cover $10,

Info:  +1-347-2828270,



All the best,

United Bulgaria Team

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