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X-STREAM by Antonia Katrandjieva, April 25th @ BAM Fisher

Overground Physical Theatre Company


X-STREAM by Antonia Katrandjieva

April 25th @ BAM Fisher


Dear friends, co-artists, dance and theatre aficionados,

Overground Physical Theatre Company extends a warm invitation to you to join us in our upcoming debut at BAM “X-STREAM”.

Polyphonically woven from the nine distinct tongues of our international cast, X-STREAM is a visual and kinetic immersion into the urgency of modern life. It zooms into the drama of nine women shaken by insecurity and living on the edge, who reclaim their identity and heal the broken link between self and other.

X-STREAM, the second part of a trilogy that begun last year with ECOCENTRIC is the performative culmination of Overground’s holistic educational platform “Ecorporeality” – a signature method that helps performance artists re-examine their relationship to reality, identity and ecology. Through eco-somatic exploration, vocal and kinesthetic experiments, post dramatic theatre and artful yoga we carved the inner and outer environment of our body’s voice to encompass a reality that is urgent, interdependent and multi-dimensional. We glimpsed into the current era of uncertainty and innovation, of saturation, but also of limitless possibilities for self-expression and para-communication. “Composting” our lessons from the past we reclaimed what really makes sense in our hearts.

Come and “heart-storm” with us in a mutual game of telepathy as together we embrace the “X” possibilities that flow through the “STREAM” of constant renewal and re-invention!


Thursday, April 25th @ 7:30 p.m.


BAM Fisher (Fishman Space)

321 Ashland Place

Brooklyn, NY 11217

General Admission: $20

To purchase tickets:


Written, directed and choreographed by: Antonia Katrandjieva

Choreographic collaboration and performance by: Alexandra Kramerova, Antonia Katrandjieva, Danielle Schlauderaff, Gessica Paperini, Hara Zi-Radopoulou, Motoko Tadano, Siras Nitithatsanakul, Valentina Priolo, Xana Villan Rueda

Video design by: Ana Atanasova-Ivanova & Kalin Ivanov

Music by: Emilio Garzon, Xana Villan Rueda, Marios Aristopoulous

Photography and graphic design by: ArtVanguard

Dramaturgy by: Vessela Warner

Stage manager, coordinating director and light design by: Blair Hotchner

Costumes by: Hristina Hristova

Conceptual artwork by: Nevena Atanassova & Michail Vaklinov

This event is disseminated in collaboration with Bulgarian Women’s Club, NY

X-STREAM (April 25th, 2013) – Trailer

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