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Spring Concert and Dance Party with special guests from New York Maria Koleva DJ Radi Georgiev

Pegasus Pizza and Pasta -Kirkland Invites you to a Spring Concert and Dance Party with special guests from New York Maria Koleva (Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian Folk music) and DJ RADO (Radi Georgiev) (International, European Top Dance Hits) Join us for a great party with favorite songs, dances and traditional food and drinks!!! Starts at 9:30 pm – Tickets $15 at the door.

Spring Concert and Dance Party

with special guests from New York

Maria Koleva

and DJ Radi Georgiev

Date:  April 28th, 2012
Time: 9:30pm-2am

Place: Pegasus Pizza and Pasta, 12669 NE 85th Street, Kirkland, WA 98033-8046

Tickets: $15:00

For more information: Yovka Miladinova 206.226.0939


Пролетен концерт

със специални гости от Ню Йорк

Мария Колева

и Ди Джей Ради Георгиев

Дата: Събота, 28 Април, 2012

Начало: 21:30 – 2:00 часа

Място: Pegasus Pizza and Pasta, 12669 NE 85th Street, Kirkland, WA 98033-8046

Билети: $15

За повече информация Йовка Миладинова: 206.226.0939

One Comment »

  • Ben Gibbarde says:

    Totes lookin forward to this concert. It will be off the hook, ya dig! I will be the one in the back with super tight levi’s and large black framed glasses with no lenses drinking a PBR.

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