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Invitation to EU Open House on May 8, 2010, Washington DC

On May 8, 2010, the European Union (EU) Delegation and the Embassies of the 27 EU Member States to the United States will open their doors – in what has become an important annual event for Washington DC.  Washingtonians will be able to see the Embassies and take a rare glimpse inside the buildings; a unique opportunity to experience the diversity and richness of Europe. The EU Open House will also kick off Europe Week, seven days of Europe-related events all over the United States.

This year’s EU Open House takes place on Saturday, May 8, 2010, from 10 am until 4 pm.  The theme of the 2010 edition is Green Europe: Good for the economy and the environment. During the day, each Embassy will showcase the country’s own experience with tackling climate change, growing a clean energy economy of the future and making the EU a world leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 percent by 2020. The EU Open House will also offer authentic music, dance, food, film, art and fun for the whole family.

A free bus shuttle service will be provided throughout the day (making stops at each EU mission and at Metro stations Dupont Circle, Foggy Bottom and Van Ness), leaving every five-ten minutes.

The EU missions in Washington, DC, are happy to cooperate with Cultural Tourism DC (, organizing Around the World Embassy Tour on May 1, another chance to visit some of Washington’s many Embassies.

For further information, please visit:

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