PEGASUS takes flight: 5 Rachmaninoff Concerti with 5 stars

Presented by Susan P. and Louis K. Meisel
PEGASUS takes flight: 5 Rachmaninoff Concerti with 5 stars
All five of Rachmaninoff’s piano and orchestra masterpieces/concerti will be brought to life by a constellation of five internationally acclaimed pianists, truly a rare experience.
This Festival of Rachmaninoff will soar on the wings of Pegasus: The Orchestra––New York’s dynamic new ensemble.
Dominic Cheli, piano
Nadejda Vlaeva, piano
Fei-Fei Dong, piano
Konstantin Soukhovetski, piano
Inna Faliks, piano
Pegasus: The Orchestra
Karén Hakobyan, artistic director and principal conductor
Dominic Cheli – “mesmerizing, (he) transfixed the audience…his fingers were one with each key.” (LA Times)
Nadejda Vlaeva – “unfailingly sympathetic and musical” (International Piano)
Fei-Fei Dong – “passion, piquancy and tenderness” and “winning stage presence” (Dallas Morning News)
Konstantin Soukhovetski “…pianist who captivates” with his “distinctive lyricism”, “immaculate technique” and “vigor…refinement… and drama.” (The New York Times)
Inna Faliks – “Adventurous and passionate” (The New Yorker) and “signature blend of lithe grace and raw power” (Lucid Culture.)
Karén Hakobyan – “Musician of abundant gifts and bountiful ideas” (The New York Concert Review)
RACHMANINOFF Piano Concerto No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 1
RACHMANINOFF Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18
RACHAMNINOFF Piano Concerto No. 4 in G minor, Op. 40
RACHMANINOFF Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43
RACHMANINOFF Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or