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CELEBRATE BULGARIA – Bulgarian Cultural Festival, April – June, 2012

Фестивал на Българската Kултура в Ню Йорк, Април – Юни, 2012

UNITED BULGARIA with the support
of the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York


Bulgarian Cultural Festival
April – June, 2012

Contact Info

Founder and Executive Director: Radi Georgiev

Phone: 1 (646) 721- 4411



Stay tuned for more information at:

All the best,
From the United Bulgaria Team

Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 4pm
Classical Interludes: The Romantic Voice

New York, NY – Internationally acclaimed cellist Kalin Ivanov will perform on recital with pianist Margrit Zimmermannan artist with uncommon poetic talent at the Dweck Center for Contemporary Culture, Brooklyn Public Library, NY on Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 4:00 pm. Concert admission is free. Classical Interludes is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. More info and travel directions: http:// www.brooklynpubliclibrary.o rg/events/culture-arts

The Romantic Voice – favorites of the cello/piano repertoire from Romantic era through 21th century works, to include Schumann, Brahms, Chopin, Fauré, Piazzolla, Albeniz, Saint-Saens, Cherkin, Petrova.

For more information about the artists, contact the BV Artists International at: or visit them at:
Kalin Ivanov, cello –
Margrit Zimmermann, piano – http://

April 19, 2012 7pm


with the support of the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York and Bulgarian Artists In America is pleased to present:

People And Mannequins

A solo exhibition by Rada

April 19 – May 5, 2012

Opening: April 19, 7 – 9pm

Wine will be served for your enjoyment

7:30-8:15 – One Minute With Me,

a special opportunity to meet with the artist

Bulgarian Consulate General

121 East 62nd Street (between Park & Lexington)

New York, NY 10065


People And Mannequins is a collection of photographs taken since 2001 by Rada. With an emphasis on portraiture in either a studio or street environment, the series is a reflection on human relations, self-discovery and understanding.  Black-and-white and color photographs some of which have been published in the hard cover book Best of Photography are included in the exhibition.

Rada studied the fundamentals of photography with Peruvian photographer Fernando LaRosa and continued to develop on her own.  Although rarely shown publicly, her work has been published in the annual hardcover photo book Best of Photography twice: in 2002 when Rada was awarded an honorable mention in Photographer’s Forum Magazine contest and in 2011 when her photo was a finalist from 14,000 entries and 82 countries in the same contest held for 31 years. In December 2011 Rada participated in a group show presented by the AC Institute in Chelsea.

April 20, 2012  at 5:30pm until April 21 at 10:30pm

After the Fall: Multichannel video installation by Boryana Rossa in collaboration with Oleg Mavromatti

EMPAC, Studio 2

April 20 – April 21, 2012

Opening reception is on Friday, April 20, 2012 from 5:30-8:30pm. Also open for viewing Saturday, April 21, from 7-10pm.

This multichannel video installation by Boryana Rossa (in collaboration with Oleg Mavromatti) examines gender performance in film after the Cold War through re-enactments of scenes from chosen cinematic works. These films are from USSR, Russia and Bulgaria and cover the period from 1920s to the end of the 2000s. By reading these films through the lens of contemporary theory, the artist seeks to understand what are the essential transformations of gender concepts in post-socialist countries. The reenactments are from well known films like “Circus” 1936, “Daisies” 1967 and lesser known titles like “Monday Morning” 1967, “Ladies Turn” 1987; “Hammer and Sickle” 1994, “Mission London” 2008 and “Miracle” 2009. The channels of the video show both the original scenes and the re-enactments.

The work also explores gender performance cross-culturally, situating the research in a global context. For instance the actors who participate in the reenactments are from the US, which integrates issues of cultural translation into the process. The characters are interpreted through the cultural and political prism of each of the participants. The process of creating this project relies on a critical exchange of thoughts and notions, where re-enactment is perceived as interpretation, rather than a copy of the chosen scene. Finding commonalities, rather than cultural differences is the goal.

The theoretical and historical research behind this work is part of Rossa’s dissertation for the RPI doctoral program in Electronic Arts.

Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center | 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180

Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 8:30pm

„Кой Ще Да Мига” (премиера)

Хореография, Текст и Изпълнение: Елисавета Йорданова и Сюзан Томасон

Музика: Тед Пилцекер

Дата: 28-ми април, 2012 – 20.30ч.

Място: Грийн Спейс Студио, 37-24 24-та улица, #301

Лонг Айлънд Сити, Ню Йорк 11101

Билети: $15

Могат да бъдат закупени на вратата или онлайн на

Тази творба напомня атмосферата от годините на Студената Война, надпреварата за въоръжаване и напрежението между Изтока и Запада. Хореографите Йорданова (България/САЩ) и Томасон (САЩ) използват личните си спомена за ерата на страх и подозрение, които доминират световната сцена по онова време. От перспективата на техните гледни точки от двете страни на Стената, „Кой ще да мига” преплита шпионажа, пропагандата и политическата параноя. Учени да гледат едни на други като на врагове, двете хореографки търсят общото човешко начало между Изтока и Запада чрез текст и движение. От личното към политическото, „Кой ще да мига” е поучителен разказ за нашето време – покана за взаимно разбирателство между страните.

Програмата включва и „Lemon Meringue Go” (2009) – трактат, вдъхновен от техниките и трудностите на печенето на пайове. Представете си как Джулия Чайлдс би преподавала тайните в печенето на пайове чрез танц. Солото е посветено на бабата да Томасон, която е била известна със своя талант на сладкар.

Йорданова също ще представи „Воля” (2009-2012), в който три жени чрез три рокли, разкриват вътрешните и външните си преживявания да приемат, създават, развиват. Творбата е от части вдъхновена от силата на жените, участвали в Арабската пролет и тяхната борба за свобода.

Танцьори: Албена Керванбашиева, Доун ДиПаскуале и Елисавета Йорданова

Музика: Розана Уайнбергер (виола), Георги Арнаудов и традиционна музика от близкия Изток

Костюми: Криси Велева и Маргарита Гаврилова


Choreography, Text and Performance: Elissaveta Iordanova and Susan Thomasson

Original Music Score: Ted Piltzecker

Date – April 28, 2012  @ 8:30 pm

Place – Take Root series at Green Space Studio 37-24, 24th Street, #301

Long Island City, NY 11101

Tickets $15

Available online – or at the door

The piece evokes the atmosphere of the Cold War years, the arms race and the tension between West and East. Choreographers Iordanova (BG/US) and Thomasson (US) draw on their memories of the era when fear and suspicion dominated the world stage. From their perspectives on both sides of the Wall, “Who  is Going to Blink?” weaves together espionage, propaganda and political paranoia. Taught to view each other as enemies, the choreographers discover the common humanity between East and West through text and movement. From the personal to the political, “Who is Going to Blink?” is a cautionary tale for our times – a call for mutually assured understanding between countries.

The program also includes “Lemon Meringue Go” (2009), a whimsical treatise on the techniques and pitfalls of pie-baking. Imagine Julia Childs teaching baking through dance. The solo is an homage to Thomasson’s grandmother and her legendary baking skills.

Iordanova will also present “Volition,” (2009-2012), in which 3 women, through the character of 3 dresses, reveal their inner and outer experiences of accepting, emerging and evolving. The work is inspired in part by the power of women involved in the Arab Spring and their search for freedom.

“Volition” involves the following artsits :

Dancers: Albena Kervanbashieva, Dawn DiPasquale and Elissaveta Iordanova

Music: Rozanna Winberger (viola), Georgi Arnaudov and Near Eastern Traditional music

Costumes: Krissi Veleva and Margarita Gavrilova


Elissaveta Iordanova (Dancer/choreographer), native Bulgarian is a performer and educator. Elissaveta earned her MFA degree from Sarah lawrence college, NY as a Fulbright scholar. She is a recipient of the Bulgarian National Center for Music and Dance Award for her choreography.    Recently, she received a grant from LMCC (MCAF) for a new multidisciplinary project.  She has been presented at Green Space Blooms Festival, Movement Research, DanSpace Project, FringeNY Festival, Dumbo Festival, MMAC, Merce Cunningham studio and others in New York. Her international credentials include performances in Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Malta and Romania.

Elissaveta’s long lasting interest and specialty in Bulgarian Folk dance as well as contemporary dance and theater gives an interesting look of her creative work. Her dance is as theatrical as dance can be, often rooted or originated from her multilayered background. Elissaveta is a founder and artistic director of ELEA GORANA DANCE COLLECTIVE and Gorana Jr. at the Bulgarian School in NY, where she teaches 40 children in Bulgarian folk dance and rituals. Elissaveta is  also a teaching artist for the Joyce Theater  for the last 6 years.

Susan Thomasson (Dancer/choreographer) holds a BFA degree from the University of Utah, where she served an apprenticeship with Repertory Dance Theatre. She has performed a wide variety of modern dance styles, dancing and touring with the companies of Kathryn Posin, Raymond Johnson, Bill T. Jones, Bill Evans, and Rosalind Newman. Since 1983 she has been a soloist with Anna Sokolow’s Players’ Project, performing nationally and internationally with the company, and assisting in reconstruction of Ms. Sokolow’s repertory. Susan also tours a solo/duet concert of Pilobolus Dance Theatre’s work, originally created for Lincoln Center Institute.In addition to her own work, she performs with Claire Porter, Elissaveta Iordanova and Mark DeGarmo.

Susan’s choreography ranges from work incorporating live percussion to literature-based dance/theatre pieces to work blending movement with poetry and text. She received a Choreography Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts for 2011.  Her work has been presented at DanceNow, NY’s 40Up Series, Dance Theater Workshop, the 92nd Street Y’s Harkness Dance Series,  the American Dance Guild, NY International Fringe Festival, Flea Theater, New York’s Riverside Dance Festival, the Aspen Music Festival, Hopkins Theatre at Dartmouth College, and Iowa’s Cedar Arts Forum. Recent projects include a commission from the University of Nebraska’s Lied Center for an evening-length dance/theatre/music work.

Vibraphonist/composer Ted Piltzecker has performed with many of the great names in jazz, including the famed George Shearing Quintet. His compositions have received awards from the NEA, New York and New Jersey state arts councils, Lincoln Center Institute and the ASCAP Foundation. His work has been heard on NPR, the Canadian Broadcasting Company, and performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Aspen Festival Orchestra. Ted directs the studio composition department in the music conservatory at Purchase College..He is also a licensed pilot and unicyclist. More information, reviews, photos and video available at:

Rozanna Weinberger, Julliard trained violist, is a multi-faceted musician and entrepreneur. Recent activities include performance with Madeleine Peyroux at Carnegie Hall, world premiere for viola and chorus by Clare Shore at Spoleto Festival, a solo appearance at the Rainbow Room, concert at Worldwide Plaza accompanied by the Indie band SEER. In addition to recording the solo viola part by Christopher Mangum for the King Tut Exhibition, the artist gave a special performance alongside the exhibition at the Field Museum in Chicago. She has performed original music on the runway for Fashion Week and a video featuring Marianne Pearl. Whether performing and producing the music videos Chromatic Fantasy and Sweet Thunder, premiering a Concerto by Tania Leon, performing at Jazz Au Bar with Kim Garfunkel or improvising with Nigel Kennedy, this unique violist of the 21st century, wins high acclaim.Her own music can be heard on Arabesque Recordings and her Designer Violins are available at Sam Ash and other fine stores.

Dawn DiPasquale (dancer) holds MA Dance Education from NYU and she is a former Assistant Professor of Dance/Musical Theatre at Wichita State University.  Currently she is dancing with Elea Gorana Dance Collective and working as a teaching artist in several NYC public schools. As a choreographer: Paper Mill Playhouse, Long Wharf Theatre, North Shore Music Theatre, Santa Barbara CLO, Folly Theatre, Lyric Theatre of OK.  As a performer: DTW, PS 122, Riverside Church, Gowanus, Circum-Arts and the Strada Facenda (Italy) working with choreographers Deborah Damast, Trish Doherty, Carl Paris and Douglas Dunn.

A native from Bulgaria, Albena Kervanbashieva (dancer) received her early ballet training in her hometown, where she performed with Pavel Stoitev’s Youth Ballet and also toured the country with various dance troupes.

After moving to NYC she completed the trainee program at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and danced with Doris Humphrey Dance Company, Rahway Dance Theater, The Ballade Ballet Company, Contemporary Ballet Theater and numerous independent Choreographers. Albena is currently dancing with Les Ballets du Monde, with Artistic Director Ken Ludden.

Press contact: Iordanova 917 848 7199,, Thomasson 201 982 7985

Saturday, April 28, 2012, 10am to 6pm

New Jersey Folk Festival


Welcome to Celebrate Bulgarian folk culture with us on Saturday, April 28, 2012.


We celebrate the diverse multicultural and indigenous folk life of New Jersey and the surrounding region.

Company Overview

We are proudly run entirely by a small committee of talented 15 undergraduate students at Rutgers University under the guidance of the American Studies Department in New Brunswick, NJ.

Founder and Executive Director: Dr. Angus Kress Gillespie
Associate Director: Erin Clarke


38th Annual New Jersey Folk Festival: Celebrate Bulgarian Folk Culture!
– Saturday, April 28, 2012
– 10am to 6pm
– Rain or Shine
– Free Admission

Event Location:
Eagleton Institute grounds on the corner of George St. & Ryders Ln. on the Douglass Campus of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ

Contact Info

Phone: 1 732.932.5775



Wednesday, May 9th, 2o12 at 7:3oPM

Bulgarian Concert Evenings in New York


Wednesday, May 9th, 2o12 at 7:3oPM – Bulgarian Consulate General

YeonJu Jeong, violin and Heekyung Michelle Lee, piano


F. Schubert – Sonatina for violin and piano No.3 op.137 g-moll

Allegro giusto.


Menuetto allegro vivace.

Allegro moderato.

H.Wieniawski – Fantasie on themes from Gounod’s opera ‘Faust’ op.2o

C.Debussy – Sonata for violin and piano g-mall

Allegro Vivo

Intermede: Fant Et Leger

Finale: Tres Anime

A. Dvorak – Four Romantic Pieces for violin and piano, Op 75

Allegro moderato

Allegro maestoso

Allegro appassionato


Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 8:00PM

Galapagos Art Space Presents:


A New Picture On Classical Music

Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 8:00PM

Galapagos Art Space, 16 Main St. Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY


and special guest artists:

DERRICK LITTLE, Internationally acclaimed body painter & artist
TIM DAOUST, Live electronics

JACK DZAMBA – Multi-award winning photographer

and more!

Official Event Page


Tania Stavreva (b.1983)

Rhythmic Movement (2012) – World Premiere

Erik Satie (1866-1925)
3 Gnossiennes – Body Painting Part I, live model: TBA
Gnossienne No.7 – Body Painting Part II, music & live model: Tania Stavreva

Pancho Vladigerov (1899-1978)
Ratchenitza Op. 29, No.6 – New York Premiere
Mouvement rythmique, Op.37, No.6

Nikolai Kapustin (b.1937)
Two Concert Jazz Etudes:
No.1 Prelude & No.3 Toccatina

Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983)
Danzas Argentinas Op.2:
Danza del viejo boyero (“Dance of the Old Herdsman”)
Danza de la moza donosa (“Dance of the Beautiful Maiden”)
Danza del gaucho matrero (“Dance of the Arrogant Cowboy”)

– Intermission –

Federico Mompou (1893-1987)
from Impresiones intimas:
La barca (The Boat)
Cuna (The Cradle)
– with slide show art photography multimedia

Improvisation inside the piano with dance & live electronics

Stavreva-Cage: “3’33”
(The power of silence and non-silence –
Time within Time Multimedia Interpretation)

Tim Daoust (b.1980)
“Quivering Filament of Incandescent Bulb” for Piano & Live Electronics 2012 – World Premiere

Tania Stavreva’s Signature:
Alexander Vladigerov (1933-1993)
Variations on a Bulgarian Folk Song “Dilmano, Dilbero” Op.2

Galapagos Art Space: 16 Main St., Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY

Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8:00pm, 21+

Tickets: $20 advanced price or $25 at the door available on sale here:

Saturday, May 12, 2012 from 5:00 PM

Генералното консулство на Република България в Ню Йорк и

Българо-Американски Център “Мадара” ви канят на


по повод  Деня на славянската писменност и култура- 24 май

Събота, 12 май, 2012 г. от 17:00 ч

Над 80 танцьори  ще изпълнят  танци от различни етнографски области на България, разкривайки  пъстротата и ритмите на една неповторима фолклорна магия! Фестивалът е вдъхновен от  любовта ни към българския танцов фолклор и желанието ни да го опознаем, съхраним и предадем на децата си!  Както и да популяризираме нашето фолклорно богатсво сред американската публика!








Адрес: Park West high school

525 West 50 Street, Manhattan, New York, NY



I част-17:00 ч -18:15 ч – концерт с всички танцови групи

II част-18:30 ч – 19:30 ч  – концерт с всички танцови групи

За повече информация посетете:



The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in New York and

Bulgarian-American Center “Madara” invite you to



To celebrate the Day of Bulgarian culture and alphabet – May 24th

Saturday, May 12, 2012 from 5:00 PM

with special guests




“GORANA” – Folk Dance Ensemble and

“GORANA JR”, Form the Bulgarian School in New York

Address: Park West high school

525 West 50 Street, Manhattan, New York, NY


A music, dance and tradition-filled family event!

Come and enjoy the unique multicolor repertoire of the ensembles includes songs and dances almost from all ethnographic districts of Bulgaria!

For program and more information visit:


Friday, May 18, 2012 at 7:00 pm.

New York, NY – Internationally acclaimed artists Kalin Ivanov, cellist and Hristo Birbochukov, pianist will perform on recital at the Festival of Bulgarian Culture in NYC. The concert will take place at Bulgarian Consulate General, 121 East 62nd Street, NYC on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 7:00 pm. The program will include music by: Bach, Beethoven, Saint-Saens and Schumann.

For more information about the artists, contact the BV Artists International or visit them at:
Kalin Ivanov, cello –
Hristo Birbochukov, piano –

Contact: BV Artists International at: 718-871-5041
or visit:

Monday, May 21st, 2o12 at 8:ooPM


Monday, May 21st, 2o12 at 8:ooPM

Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall

154 West 57th Street, New York, NY 1oo19

Artists and program: TBA

Tickets are $3o and $35, available starting August 12th, 2o11 at Carnegie Hall’s Box

Office, at www. or by calling Carnegie Charge at (212) 247-78oo.

Special $6o tickets include post-concert reception and premiere orchestra seating.

Please contact us directly at (646) 32o-9645 for those tickets. Tickets purchased

through us are tax-deductible.

Thursday, June 21, Friday, June 22, 2012 @ 8 p.m.




An existential eco drama

Thursday, June 21st, Friday June 22nd 2012 @ 8 p.m.


248 West 60th Street (b/n 10th and 11th Av.)

Admission: $ 25; Students/Seniors: $15

For reservations or to purchase tickets visit:

/, or call: 212 787 1178

“…profound, subtle, unconventional, Overground Physical Theatre Company is the avant-garde epitome of kinetic intelligence and esoteric vision…”- Theatre Magazine

Conceived, directed and choreographed by: Antonia Katrandjieva

Original script: Antonia Katrandjieva & Vessela Warner

Original musical score & musical direction: Bisan Toron

Original video and visual design: Ana and Kalin Ivanov

Photography & graphic design: ART VANGUARD

Costume design: Antoaneta Atanassaova

Video Set Design: Karamfil Atanassov

Conceptual Artwork: Nevena Atanassova

Light Design: David Ojala

Dramaturg: Vessela Warner

Assistant choreographer: Alexandra Kramerova

Stage Manager & coordinating choreographer: Blair Hotchner

Other choreographic input and performance by: Cecilia Ceresa, Antonia Katrandjeva, Siras Nitithatsanakul, Gessica Paperini, Valentina Priolo, Danielle Schlauerdarauff, Motoko Tadano, Bisan Toron, Xana Villan-Rueda, Hara Zi

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